Les Fleurs du mal

Ne, nije pošteno. Posle nuklearnog leta i miholjskog oktobra, nadala sam se da će novembar imati makar malo razumevanja i zakasniti koju nedelju.  Ništa od razumevanja, jutarnji pogledi na termometar opasno su se smrzli zbog minusa u najavi.  Mislim, nije što ne volim zimu i sneg, kanađanke i ja smo se baš lepo družile cele prošle godine, ali samo hoću jedno normalno Proleće i jednu normalnu Jesen. Da, sa velikim P i sa velikim J, prave, sa suncem koje se probija iza oblaka, umerenim temperaturama, pelerinama, beretkama i cipelama, a na bundama, šubarama i čizmama! Bune se svi ti divni žaketi i mantili, hoće i oni u šetnju više nego jednom godišnje…U to ime, okrećem leđa zimi i dajem vam još malo sunca!


No, it’s simply not fair! After a nuclear summer and mild October, I thought that November would be at least decent enough to be fashionably late. I guess my last year’s Christmas wishes did not reach the right address as I am already freezing, and the next one is still far enough. I mean, it’s not that I don’t love winter and snow, joined by my Timberland boots we had beautiful time last year, but I simply want some transition, something in between bare midriffs  and turtlenecks. I need a real Spring and a true Fall, all along with Sun hiding behind the clouds, but coming out enough to shed light over beautiful colors of fallen leaves! I’m not ready to go fur coats, boots and sweaters yet, give me some cardigans, jackets and shoes! All those beautiful jackets and macs from my closet are getting mad, as they would like to go for a walk more often than once a year…Speaking of, here’s the last drop of that mild October, all along with flowers and sunrays!

New Balance 420 sneakers // Zara floral shirt // random sheer jacket // ASOS shorts // hardware store ring // H&M neon statement necklace // random chain necklace

photo // Ivana Korać


I za kraj, evo malo Chromaticsa+Chanela, da nas greju oko srca u ovim hladnim danima! p.s. ne zaboravite na giveaway iz prošlog posta, još imate šanse da osvojite one sandalice :) // And here's a little Chromatics+Chanel combo, to keep our hearts warm in these cold days! p.s. Don't forget about the giveaway, you still have the chance to win those amazing shoes :)

Skin of the Night

Volim modnu jesen 2012. Iako je pratiti trendove postala maltene psovka, ja zaista volim kada mi neko iz sezone u sezonu zadaje (modne) zadatke. Pa još kada se poklope sa nekim ličnim ljubavima - edgy, minimalistički, a moćno - nema veće uživancije! Igra mat i sjajnih tekstura na monohromatskoj podlozi, prava su podloga za statement komade - metalik sjaj prstena i narukvice u kontrastu sa crnom OASAP ogrlicom. I naravno - ništa bez omiljenih štikli


I really fell for Fall 2012. Although being accused of following trends became something really bad these days, I really enjoy confronting new (fashion) challenges from season to season. Even better so when they are conjunct with what I love anyway - edgy, minimalistic and powerful! Statement pieces work best when put on a simplistic base, so I opted for a monochromatic play of shiny and matte textures. Metallic cuff contrasted to black, textured OASAP necklace. Oh, and don't forget your favorite pair of heels!

OASAP crocodile skin print statement necklace // oversized sweatshirt thrifted from some random thrift store // faux leather skirt thrifted from Nylon flea market // ASOS cuff // hardware store ring // Diesel heels

photo // Ivana Korać

Za kraj, malo iznenađenje :) Divni ljudi iz Prodigy Red-a poklanjaju ove cipele, a pored komentara sa e-mail adresom, potrebno je da uradite sledeće:

1 // lajkujete Prodigy Red Facebook stranicu
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...imate vremena do 4. novembra u ponoć, kada će Mr. Random usrećiti nekoga ovom lepoticama! Srećno :)


I left the bast for the end :) Amazing people of Prodigy Red are giving away these shoes, all you have to do is to leave a comment with your e-mail below and:
2 // post a link to this post on a Prodigy Red Facebook page
5 // follow me via Google friend connect or Bloglovin'

...You have untill midnight, November 4th, when Mr.Random will make one girl very happy :) 

Prove To Me

// There were more than a few
// Times I tried to get through
// My heart is always hollow
// My heart is sure to follow
// I'd like to see you prove to me

hardware store rings // H&M matte gold sequined shirt // New Yorker track pants // Marni for H&M silver gladiator sandals

listen // Seapony - Prove To Me

Central Train

Sećate se one fine nostalgične izmaglice, koju evocira Woody Allen u svom filmu Ponoć u Parizu? Kada vas vremeplov baci pravo za sto u Moulan Rougeu, za kojim sede lično Van Gogh, Paul Gaugain i verovatno najupečatljivija figura pariskog noćnog života, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, počinjete da se pitate da li ikada želite da se vratite u sadašnjost. Musee d'Orsay možda nije pravi vremeplov, ali definitivno će vas naterati da razmislite da li želite da izađete i - vratite se u realnost. Smestio se na levoj obali Sene, u prostoru stare, napuštene železničke stanice iz doba Belle Époque. Mnogo ga više volim od čuvenog Louvrea, jer, za razliku od besomučne jurnjave kroz hodnike, stilove i epohe, nudi jedno kompletno iskustvo, daje vam vremena i mesta da zaista osetite Pariz na prelazu između XIX i XX veka, udahnete revolucionarni duh impresionizma, divite se slobodi post-impresionizma. Hipnotisano gledam u Doručak na travi i razmišljam koliki je Mane bio panker. Impresionizam - kao novi pravac, novi manifest, prst u oko Akademiji, koja je odbila da ga izloži jer je, zaboga, bio - previše slobodan


Remember that fine mist of nostaligia that Woody Allen wrapped around you so gently in his movie Midnight in Paris? When a time machine drops you right at the table with Van Gogh, Paul Gaugain and the infamous Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, you start wondering whether reality is worth coming back. Musee d'Orsay might not be a real time machine, but it will definitely make you wish you never have to leave. Comfortably settled on famous Rive gauche, the museum is actually an old railway station, evoking Belle Époque at every step. I prefer it to the famous Louvre, because, in contrast to its chaotic rundown through hallways, styles and epoques, Musee d'Orsay offers a complete experience, gives you both time and space to feel Paris at the turn of centuries. Adore the revolutionary spirit of impressionism, breathe the freedom post-impressionism has to offer! I stare hypnotized at Le déjeuner sur l'herbe and think how Manet was the biggest punker ever. The Royal Academy might have refused to exibit his work for being too liberal, but Manet and dozen of his like minded friends offered a manifesto, a new way of thinking, et voilà – the Impressionism was born.

striped shirt dress and ombre creepers from ASOS // vintage Moschino backpack // Bershka oversize sweater // retro Casio digi watch // vintage Polaroid sunglasses thrifted from Kalenić flea market

A kad ste već kod Ajfelove kule, prošetajte i do Musée du quai Branly. Prvo vas šokira tišina koja vlada iza staklenog zida. Posle nekoliko mirnih momenata u bašti, koje ste velikodušno poklonili sebi, spremni ste uronite u mistiku primitivnih kultura. Musée du quai Branly još jedan je od onih muzeja griže savesti, koje kolonijalne sile licemerno podižu u spomen svojim kolonijama, čisto da pokažu šta su sve opljačkale tokom godina ugnjetavanja. Ipak, moram priznati da je arhitekta Jean Nouvel znalački ostavio svetlo dramatično i prigušeno, a vezu sa prirodom neposrednu – na taj način sve dobija neku magijsku notu, nezaobilaznu u paganskim kulturama. Bravo za pogođenu temu, za arhitektu koji shvata da nije poenta da njegova arhitektura bude u centru pažnje.


If you find yourself anywhere near Eiffel Tower, don’t miss a chance to visit Musée du quai Branly. A first shock comes from the silence behind the glass wall. After you gave yourself a quiet moment in the beautiful museum garden, you’re ready to immerse yourself in the mystic world of primitive cultures. To tell you the truth, Musée du quai Branly is yet another of those guilty conscience museums, allegedly built to honor the colonies, but in reality just to show off the treasure colonial powers stole through the years of their tyrrany. Nevertheless, i must admit that Jean Nouvel, the famous French architect, knew what was he doing when he left the lights dimmed and dramatic, and connection to nature immediate and inevitable. This way you can definitely feel the magic, this ingredient so important to pagan cultures, in the air, and become part of it. 

Stine Goya for Weekdays collaboration dress // vintage Moschino backpack // Eden flatform sandals // Bershka oversize sweater // retro Casio digi watch // vintage Polaroid sunglasses thrifted from Kalenić flea market