Ona nije vaša tipična Ruskinja.
+Ovaj bejeweled džemper prosto zove na DIY, zar ne?
U nekom intervjuu pročitala sam da je Vika Gazinskaya od najranijeg detinjstva volela da se igra pravljenja odeće. Sva sreća pa nikada nije odrasla. Kao devojčica koja isprobava mamine cipele i bakine ešarpe, igra se sa njima, i onako, potpuno detinje nevino i neopterećeno istorijom mode i trendovima - stvara te iste trendove! Dete, koje uzima neki stari modni magazin, vidi u njemu Yves Saint Laurent reklamu, žvrlja preko nje, pored nje, a onda nastavlja svoju priču na praznom papiru. Eto, to vam je Vika.
Znate da mi se modna Rusija i nije nešto svidela, ali, kao što rekoh, Vika definitivno nije tipična Ruskinja. Studirala je u Rusiji, ali je shvatila da što pre mora u epicentar modnog sveta - Pariz. Rečeno, učinjeno. Vika Gazinskaya pokorila je blogosferu - posle svakog fashion weeka, njene maštovite kombinacije prepričavaju se danima. Volim je. Volim je što modu (a i sebe) ne shvata preozbiljno, već svemu dodaje tu neophodnu dozu humora i igre. Njoj sigurno nećete naći neki prepoznatljiv elemenat ili, još gore, komad garderobe, pre ćete videti tu tananu Vika nit u načinu na koji ona razmišlja, na koji pristupa modi. Kao da je svaki outfit prilika za novu ulogu, za novu igru!
Kad porastem, biću Vika!
She's not your typical Russian girl.
I remember reading one interview where Vika Gazinskaya claims that she loved playing making clothes since she was a little child. Luckily enough, she never grew up. Just like a child, trying on mommy's shoes and grandma's scarves, playing with them without any regard to history of fashion or trends - instead of following them, she's the one who sets them! Imagine a child who takes an old fashion magazine, finds a page with Yves Saint Laurent commercial, draws over it, by it, and then seamlessly continues her line of thoughts on an empty paper. That's Vika, you know.
You all remember that I wasn't really head over heels for Russian vision of fashion, but, as I've said earlier - Vika is definitely not your typical Russian girl. Although a Moscow fashion graduate, she realized the importance of being in the (epi)centre of fashion - Paris! Easily said, then easily done - she became a true blogosphere belle du jour. After each fashion week her outfits are meticulously analyzed and talked over. I love her. I love her for not taking fashion (or herself) too seriously, and instead adding so much needed dash of humor and playfulness to everything she does or wears. It's not like you can tell Vika style by some piece of clothing she often wears, it's more complex than that. That thin thread that screams Vika would be her line of thought, her approach to fashion. As if each and every outfit is a chance for a new role, for a new play!
When I grow up, I want to be Vika!
She's not your typical Russian girl.
I remember reading one interview where Vika Gazinskaya claims that she loved playing making clothes since she was a little child. Luckily enough, she never grew up. Just like a child, trying on mommy's shoes and grandma's scarves, playing with them without any regard to history of fashion or trends - instead of following them, she's the one who sets them! Imagine a child who takes an old fashion magazine, finds a page with Yves Saint Laurent commercial, draws over it, by it, and then seamlessly continues her line of thoughts on an empty paper. That's Vika, you know.
You all remember that I wasn't really head over heels for Russian vision of fashion, but, as I've said earlier - Vika is definitely not your typical Russian girl. Although a Moscow fashion graduate, she realized the importance of being in the (epi)centre of fashion - Paris! Easily said, then easily done - she became a true blogosphere belle du jour. After each fashion week her outfits are meticulously analyzed and talked over. I love her. I love her for not taking fashion (or herself) too seriously, and instead adding so much needed dash of humor and playfulness to everything she does or wears. It's not like you can tell Vika style by some piece of clothing she often wears, it's more complex than that. That thin thread that screams Vika would be her line of thought, her approach to fashion. As if each and every outfit is a chance for a new role, for a new play!
When I grow up, I want to be Vika!
Mnogi su je nazvali modnim jeretikom kada je odlučila da svoju Fall 2012 kolekciju, pre zvanične premijere na nedavno održanom moskovskom fashion weeku, prošeta po ovom pariskom. I to ne na bilo kome, već na sebi i svojoj BFFici, Miri Dumi. Baš kao što je Salvador Dali shvatao da slikarstvo nije dovoljno, već da je potrebno biti pop-zvezda kako biste se izdvojili iz gomile, Vika Gazinskaya samouvereno nosi svaki svoj model, znajući da je njena jedinstvenost savršen ambasador mode koju nosu.
+Ovaj bejeweled džemper prosto zove na DIY, zar ne?
Many called it a fashion blasphemy when she decided that it's ok to wear her Fall 2012 collection on Paris fashion week, although it was planned to premiere officially a bit later, on a fashion week in Moscow. Maybe not up to the etiquette in the fashion world, but she definitely managed to cause some stir in it. Speaking of good PR, it's not bad to have your BFF/fellow Russian fashionista Mira Duma to walk around a bit in your clothes, especially if it's Paris fashion week. Just like Salvador Dali knew he had to become a pop star to pop out of the rest, Vika Gazinskaya, with her unique and statement-making personality, realizes she's the perfect ambassador for the clothes she wear.
+This bejeweled sweater is simply asking for some DIY, doesn't it?
bas je ruska lepotica. shvatam sta hoces da kazes, dobro je ne shvatati sebe ozbiljno, tako ti je svejedno sta drugi misle, sto dovodi do toga da si slobodan u svojoj kreativnosti. a srodne duse cete prepoznati :)
ReplyDeletetako ste se prepoznale ti i vika :)
Sareni turban joj stoji fenomenalno :) i crna puf suknja :)
ReplyDeletePredivna je! :)
ReplyDeleteJako je specificna. Pratim nju uz Miru.
ReplyDeleteShe has truly amazing style!!! So unique,so inspiring! Great post sweetie :)
ReplyDeleteTake care,Daniella xox
Nemam apsolutno ništa protiv new wave russian armije jer smatram da je osvežavajuća, kreativna i "svoja" pa čak i kada idu u Pariz po neka "iskustva". No, sve si lepo rekla, Vika se ipak izdvaja. Predivna mi je ta spontanost u njenim kolekcijama i baš deluje da iskreno radi svaku priču za svaku sezonu. U skladu sa sobom, kao pravi umetnik... A izdvojeni džemperak je meeed! :*
ReplyDeleteznaci ona je tvoras tog dzempera sa 'dijamantima' :) me gusta
Deleteok,resila si mi misteriju,hvala!! jer sam bas danas naletela na onu fotku /zeleno odelo,crni kaput i nike kacket :)
ReplyDeleteRespect! :)
ReplyDeletemeni je vika jedina koja(od svih tih ruskih babushka) ne izgleda da se previse trudi oko svojih stajlinga a izgleda uvijek i vise nego besprijekorno!! :)
ReplyDeleteObozavam je! Deo moje omiljene ruske cetvorke - Ulyana&Mira&Vika&Elena (divna svaka na svoj nacin)!
ReplyDeletemeni je ona pravi medenjak...divna je stvarno....
ReplyDeleteKo nema pun folder njenih slika na kompu;) Joj i friz,sisam se!;) Ideja sa dzemperom je nevjerovatna,moram probatiiii!
sta da kazem, ostala sam bez teksta koliko je fenomenalna...to se zove stil!!! svaka cast za post!
ReplyDeleteIskreno, prvi put vidim i čujem a odmah sam se zaljubila!
ReplyDeleteIt looks awesome!!!!!!
Gledala sam njene slike, stvarno je super! Karakteristican stil, unique i mastovit:D
ReplyDeletewow her style is really electric, love how she combine vintage piece with modern style. Thank u for sharing this. Her style is really refreshing. YEAY a fellow Roy Lichtenstein fan, Im glad someone can recognize the style and appreciate it! Im following u on gfc and bloglovin, hope to keep in touch