Biću Holanđanka.
Čak i moji nearhitektonski prijatelji znaju koliko sam za vreme studija arhitekture smarala o tome kako su Holanđani nadljudi kada je reč o dizajnu, bilo koje vrste. Onda sam otišla da se i sama uverim u to. Dva puta po nedelju dana u ulozi vodiča na arhitektonskoj ekskurziji, Holandija uzduž i popreko (što i nije teško, s obzirom na njene dimenzije) - samo me je učvrstilo u veri da su ovi ljudi bogovi dizajna. Znate, iako fizičke granice između Nemačke i Holandije nema, primetite da ste prešli granicu po sitnim detaljima. Ma koliko banalno zvučalo, ali skladište pored autoputa, bilbord...u Nemačkoj su oni sivi, jednostavni i maksimalno funkcionalni, dok je u Holandiji napravljen korak dalje od te jednostavne funkcionalnosti - uvek postoji neki quirky detalj, nikako skup, ali uvek efektan. Možda je krivo more. Činjenica da su morali da otimaju zemlju od mora, verovatno je učinila da malo bolje porazmisle o svakom pedlju, umesto da se bahato ponašaju prema njoj jer je ima (kao mi, na primer). Otuda, valjda, ta kultura življenja, u kojoj su prozori od poda do plafona, i to tik uz trotoar, izlozi u nečiju dnevnu sobu, potpuno logični i održivi. Da citiram mog drugara Gordana, koji je pohađao kurs Holandija za početnike kad i ja: "Ovo je zemlja u kojoj ništa nije sr***e!"
Pogotovo ne moda. Ovoliki uvod opšteg tipa jer ništa nije slučajno, Holanđani su bogovi dizajna jer ga oni zaista i žive, to nije poza. Njihovi stanovi nisu minimalistički punk samo za poziranje u enterijerskoj štampi, već svakodnevno stanje stvari. U to ime, upoznajte moje omiljene blogerke i stalne inspiracije - Ilanku Verhoeven i Ivaniu Carpio.
FashionNerdic, odnosno Ilanka, moja je prva (holandska) ljubav - kada sam otvorila nalog, ona je bila prva osoba koju sam zapratila. Njen minimalni stav, savršeno umiksan sa klasičnim rafinmanom i pametnim detaljima, nikada me ne razočaraju. Savršene fotografije da ni ne spominjem.
I will be Dutch.
During my architecture studies all my (even non-architecture) friends had to repeat after me - Dutch people are superhuman when it comes to design of any kind. Although I was a true believer I had to go to see that myself. Two times as guide on a study trip for architecture students, you get to know the Netherlands through and through and to become an even more zealous believer in the holy Dutch design. You know, even if there isn't a physical border between Germany and the Netherlands, you will know that you crossed the border by the little details. Banal things, such as billboards, warehouses by the motorway simply go a step further than German functionality dressed in neutral colors. (Even) banal is beautiful, they say. It might be the sea. As they had to take their grounds from the sea, Dutch people think well about every square meter of it, they don't take it for granted. In a society with such a high level of living culture, floor-to-ceiling glass walls, bordering only with pavement, are something normal. And the only ones ashamed should be the ones peeking in. Although nobody does, of course. To quote a friend of mine, who took the same Netherlands for beginners course : "This is a country where nothing is sh***y!"
Especially when it comes to fashion. I had to make a general intro this long because it's not a coincidence - Dutch are design gods because they truly live it. Their apartments are not minimalistic punk just when posing for interior design magazines, but rather an everyday state of mind. That's why I want you to meet my favorite bloggers and eternal inspirations - Ilanka Verhoeven and Ivania Carpio.
FashionNerdic is my first (Dutch) love - when I created my account she was the very first person I fanned. Her minimal attitude, perfectly blended with classic sense for elegance and smart detailing, have never failed me. Not the mention the perfect photos.
I will be Dutch.
During my architecture studies all my (even non-architecture) friends had to repeat after me - Dutch people are superhuman when it comes to design of any kind. Although I was a true believer I had to go to see that myself. Two times as guide on a study trip for architecture students, you get to know the Netherlands through and through and to become an even more zealous believer in the holy Dutch design. You know, even if there isn't a physical border between Germany and the Netherlands, you will know that you crossed the border by the little details. Banal things, such as billboards, warehouses by the motorway simply go a step further than German functionality dressed in neutral colors. (Even) banal is beautiful, they say. It might be the sea. As they had to take their grounds from the sea, Dutch people think well about every square meter of it, they don't take it for granted. In a society with such a high level of living culture, floor-to-ceiling glass walls, bordering only with pavement, are something normal. And the only ones ashamed should be the ones peeking in. Although nobody does, of course. To quote a friend of mine, who took the same Netherlands for beginners course : "This is a country where nothing is sh***y!"
Especially when it comes to fashion. I had to make a general intro this long because it's not a coincidence - Dutch are design gods because they truly live it. Their apartments are not minimalistic punk just when posing for interior design magazines, but rather an everyday state of mind. That's why I want you to meet my favorite bloggers and eternal inspirations - Ilanka Verhoeven and Ivania Carpio.
FashionNerdic is my first (Dutch) love - when I created my account she was the very first person I fanned. Her minimal attitude, perfectly blended with classic sense for elegance and smart detailing, have never failed me. Not the mention the perfect photos.
Ivania možda voli estetiku, ali ja nju obožavam.*
Iz istog foldera kao Ilanka, a ipak različita i svoja, Ivania nudi pristupačne DIY interpretacije haute couturea, šarmantne upravo u svojoj neispoliranosti. Sećate se ovih narukvica od klirita? Hvala Ivania! Tu je onda i sneak peak u njen životno-radni prostor, pa njena preslatka petogodišnja ćerka, koja pozira kada se mama umori.
*Znam da mi je lame igra reči, ali nisam odolela :)
Ivania might love aesthetics, but I love her.*
You might have the urge to put them in the same folder, but both are different and unique. What I love most about Ivania are her DIY interpretations of haute couture, perfect in their raw imperfection. Remember those perspex cuffs? Thanks Ivania! Here and there a sneak peek into her living and working space, as inspiring as her fashion. And then, there's her adorable 5-year old daughter, already a fashionista.
*I know it's a lame word play, but I just couldn't resist it :)
Da ne bi ispalo da sam jako geografski isključiva, priznaću da se moja ljubav prema holandskom dizajnu proteže i na susednu Belgiju (Antwerp Six, treba li reći više?), a ne štedim je ni za Skandinavce. Srodne kulture, srodni (nad)ljudi. Za dobar dizajn tamo nije dovoljno da je nešto samo lepo, već mora da bude i pametno, da postavlja pitanja i istražuje nove teritorije.
Neko je bio dovoljno pametan da ovu tananu nit, način razmišljanja koji povezuje mlade dizajnere, pretoči u online raj u kojem bih sve posedovala. Dobrodošli u Blogerski orman! A u njemu Finsk, finska bajka sa srećnim krajem (u Brazilu).
Zato što mogu obe da ih zamislim u njima.
p.s. Ilanka+Ivania već su našle svoje mesto u Blogerskom ormanu, sada je red na vas.
Of course, my love for Dutch design extends to neighboring Belgium (Antwerp Six, need any more arguments?) and I surely don't spare it for Scandinavians! It's all about design not being only pretty, but smart and groundbreaking, as well.
Great minds think alike - there were some people smart enough to gather all those minds together (both bloggers and designers), in an online heaven where you want to wear it all. Enter the Blogger's wardrobe, Ilanka+Ivania have already found their place there, now it's your turn! Among all the goodness you'll find inside is Finsk - a Finnish fairy tale with a happy ending (in Brazil).
Because I can imagine them both wearing it.