Macarons + Cupcakes

Neko voli macarons, neko cupcakes. Večiti rivalitet Pariza i Njujorka svake godine kulminira u takmičenju za najmaštovitiji i najdekadentniji praznični izlog. Karneval (prepariranih) životinja kod Bergdorf Goodman-a možda jeste pobeda zanatstva i umešnosti, ali ja ipak glasam za pariski Printemps, i vojsku minijaturnih Karla Lagerfilda. Ne samo zato što je na promociji bila Vanessa Paradis. 


Some prefer macarons, some cupcakes. Every holiday season the eternal rivalry between Paris and New York culminates, in order to overshadow the rest with the most sumptuous and eye-catching windows. The carnival of (taxidermy) animals at Bergdorf Goodman truly is a magnificent victory of craftmanship, yet my vote goes to Parisian Printemps and their miniature Karl Lagerfeld figurines. Not only because Vanessa Paradis was there. 

Još malo praznične divote. // A bit more of holiday season window delicacies.

Naravno, sve postaje bolje ako dodate malo Noela Fieldinga <3 // Of course, things become infinitely better if you add a dash of Noel Fielding <3

All tied up

Antwerp Six. Martin Margiela, Dries Van Noten, Ann Demeulemeester, Raf Simons. Pa A.F. Vandervorst i Haider Ackermann. Svi odreda iz foldera omiljeni dizajneri, svi odreda sa Kraljevske akademije lepih umetnosti u Antverpenu. Holanđanka Jantine Van Peski  je, osim što poseduje diplomu iste škole, već bila na praksi u ove poslednje dve modne kuće. 

Počela je od čvorova, a završila sa diplomskom kolekcijom Wires 10.0, inspirisanom tekstilnim skulpturama iz sedamdesetih i macramé tehnikomJednostavna u svojim formama, ali složena u teksturi i obradi, kolekcija Wires 10.0 preispituje žensku siluetu. Mislim da mi se baš zato i dopada - život u Srbiji naterao me je da usku garderobu izjednačim sa uskim shvatanjima. Volim Belgijance i Holanđane, jer ne razmišljaju da li je moda lepa, već da li je pametna.

Osim toga, divno mi je kada vidim da neko oživi stare zanate i tehnike kroz savremen dizajn. Čvorovi od svile, vune i najfinije kože, dobili su sasvim novo značenje u minimalističkim oblicima Jantine Van Peski.


Antwerp Six. Martin Margiela, Dries Van Noten, Ann Demeulemeester, Raf Simons. Then A.F. Vandervorst and Haider Ackermann. All from my favorite designers folder, all from Royal Academy of Fine Arts from Antwerp. Besides a Master degree from the same school, Jantine Van Peski already has internships at A.F. Vandervorst and Haider Ackermann checked  in her bio. 

She started from knots, using only one kind to build pieces of clothing out of cord and yarn, and ended with an outstanding Master's degree collection - Wires 10.0. Jantine was strongly influenced by the textile sculptures from the 1970's and specifically macramé-technique. The forms might be somewhat purist, but Jantine's collection is so rich and complex when it comes to texture and craftsmanship it demands. Wires 10.0 investigates into a female silhouette, and offers solutions that are out of the ordinary.  I guess that's exactly why I loved it so much - living in Serbia, where it is far more important to undress, rather than to dress, made me see tight clothes synonymous with a lack of taste. That's why I love Belgians and Dutch so much - they don't care whether fashion is beautiful, smart is enough.

Besides, I'm really touched every time I see someone channeling ancient techniques and crafts through contemporary design. Minimalist shapes really gave a new meaning to knots, that Jantine so masterfully made of silk, wool and finest leather.

Pickpocket mixtape

Ni sama ne znam kako je počelo. Da li sam prvo videla slike i čula muziku, ili je bilo baš obratno.

Kraj je godine i vreme je za rekapitulacije raznih vrsta. Pred vama je izbor pesama koje su obeležile moju 2011. godinu, ne baš slučajno odabranih. Podsećaju me na Slavicu, i njene savršene foto-postove u kojima svi toliko uživamo na Pickpocket blogu. Zato sam i rekla da ne znam da li sam prvo videla slike ili čula muziku - a nije ni bitno - inspirisana njenim foto-postovima, odabrala sam zvuk, a onda opet pozvala Slavicu da ga oslika. 

Nadam se da ćete uživati, kako u muzici, tako i u slikama.

+klik za malo iznenađenje na kraju posta


I don't really know how it started. Whether I heard music to the pictures, or it was really the other way round.

It's the end of the year, a perfect time for all kinds of recaps. These are the songs that had some meaning for me in the past year, though not so randomly picked. They remind me of Slavica and the perfect photo posts we all enjoy so much on her Pickpocket blog. That's exactly why I said I don't remember what came first - sound or vision - and it's not important, after all. That's why I invited Slavica to paint my music choices, with her magical photos.

Hope you'll enjoy both pictures and sounds.

1 // Au Palais - Tender Mercy
2 // Neon Indian - Polish Girl
3 // Zola Jesus - Collapse
4 // Computer Magic - Running
5 // Memory Tapes - Yes I Know
6 // Puro Instict - Stilyagi
7 // Grimes - Vanessa
8 // Korallreven - Comin' Close
9 // Austra - Lose It
10 // Active Child - High Priestess
11 // Bon Iver - Calgary
12 // Ladytron - Ninety Degrees
13 // Washed Out - Within And Without
