Apr 14


// We weave in and out of consciousness alone
// Til our bodies collide and keep us from getting cold
// Skin pores open up and swallow each other whole
// And the scars we collect connect and reverse the flow
// And so it goes

DIY neoprene piece // DIY white leather lunch bag as seen here // hardware store ring // Maison Martin Margiela AW 2012-13 black tuxedo pants // Lindex white draping top // Mango white wedges

photo // Ivana Korać

listen // SOHN  - Lights (4AD Session)

+ don't forget to check amazing women dresses

Apr 14


Opet su me ostavili bez nadzora u gvožđari - u to ime jedan DIY, najlakši na svetu! /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
This is what happens when they leave me unattended in a hardware store - the easiest DIY in the world! ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Apr 14

De Stijl

Moda (ni)je umetnost. Previše pretenciozna tvrdnja za jedan kampanjski vođen blog. Esencija konzumerizma ili l'art de vivre, nebitno je - za (n)ovu sezonu treba samo da skinete prašinu sa udžbenika istorije umetnosti i bestidno počnete da prepisujete, da ne kažem - preslikavate! Ako je mogao veliki Yves Saint Laurent šezdesetih, zašto ne bismo i mi? 


Fashion is (not) art. Casually written blog such as this doesn't deserve such a pretentious claim. Whether it's the essence of consumerism or l'art de vivre - the only thing to remember this season are high school art classes. Dust off your art history books and start copying shamelessly! If it could have worked for the great Yves Saint Laurent, why wouldn't it for us?

all pics via Dazed // Vogue