Niko ne boluje od tradicije kao Francuzi. Zna se kako izgledaju revije i ko sedi u prvom redu, tračevi su diskretni, a poljupci obavezno vazdušni. Pozivnicu za ovo društvo nije lako dobiti, a i kada vas pozovu, očekuje se da se ponašate kao dobar gost. Sva sreća pa je tu enfant terrible pariske nedelje mode - Rick Owens, da udahne malo svežeg vazduha ustajalim modno-društvenim konvencijama. Ulične plesačice daleko od manekenskih proporcija nose Rickovu najnoviju kolekciju Vicious, dok rasturaju pistu (da ne kažem podijum :) u ritmovima Afrike, ali i ulice - slika koja ne može biti dalje od uštogljenog pariskog, crème de la crème modnog univerzuma. Pre koju sezonu, Rad Hourani najavio je promenu svojom unisex couture kolekcijom, ali ovo je definitivno objava revolucije! Nadam se samo da ova neće pojesti sopstvenu decu, kao Francuska.
Tradition is definitely a French malaise. Rules are everywhere - from what the shows are supposed to look like to who gets to sit in the front row. Bisous here and there, all kisses are sent in air. This is an invitation only society and once you get in they will expect you to abide by its rules. Fortunately, here comes the PFW enfant terrible - Rick Owens, to bring some fresh air into the stale Parisian atmosphere! Conventional stick-like models were replaced with street cred step dancers who wore Rick's latest collection Vicious while simultaneously rocking the catwalk (or, should I say - dancefloor :) with their non-model proportions. A picture that cannot be much further from what we imagine Parisian crème de la crème fashion universe to be like. When Rad Hourani presented his unisex couture collection couple of seasons ago it was the announcement of change, but this is more like revolution! Let's just hope this one will not devour its children, as the French one did.