Dobra perspektiva zahteva (raz)daljinu. Kada me je
Ika zamolila da
odavde odaberem jedan komad nakita, shvatila sam koliko se moj stil (ustvari,
stil nije dobra reč, previše je bezvremen, recimo -
trenutne opsesije) izmenio u proteklih nekoliko godina. Ja od pre koju sezonu uzela bi
statement ogrlicu, (o)lako je nabacila na cvetnu košulju i, verovatno, završila ovu modnu rečenicu nekim
Laurentovskim šeširom. Prihvatam izazov. Znam, daleko sam od
modne katarze koja trenutno težim, ali mi put do tamo definitivno prija. Igra tekstura i sudar oblika, umesto boja. Ne bojim se
Tako sam, nekako, i stigla do ovog
Neopren, kao
ovde i sada, retrofuturizam u svom najboljem, superherojskom izdanju. Preskočiću upoznavanje -
DIY Balenciaga neoprenski uradak moje šnajderke Dese prošli put nosila je Radoslava, sećate se
ovog videa? Inače, volim kada arhetipski odevni predmet nekom intervencijom dobije kvalitet paradoksa - ima li šta bolje od plisirane
midi suknje koja je jednostavnim, asimetričnim odsecanjem, brzinom svetlosti prešla put od tetkastog do
superedgy? I kratka i duga, ali definitivno više nikada iz maminog ormara.
Flatforme, paradoks broj dva - ravno, a na visini. Spajajući ovako jake modne elemente na jednom mestu, rizikovala sam da izgledam kostimirano, kao da sam pobegla sa neke
geekovske konvencije ljubitelja SF filma. I tu dolazi (onako superherojski,
to the rescue, a kako drugačije? :) ogrlica
iz prošlosti. Jedan
off, dovoljan da ne bude sve previše uklopljeno i kostimirano, spasio je stvar.
True perspective requires a distance. When
Ika asked me to pick a necklace from here, I realized how much my style (
style, as something out of time not necessarily being the best choice of words here, I'd better use
current obsessions) has changed in last couple of years. Me from couple of seasons ago would easily put this statement necklace on top of some floral print shirt, only to end up this fashion sentence with a
Laurent-esque hat. I'll take the challenge. I know, I'm still quite far from the
fashion catharsis I am aspiring for, but I'm definitely enjoying the journey there. Play of textures and tectonics of shape, instead of colors. Monochromatic is not monotonous.
That is how I got here, actually.
Neoprene, being here and now, is superhero retro-futurism at its best. I'll skip the introduction - it was Radoslava who wore this DIY
Balenciaga neoprene sweater last time, remember
this video? Sometimes, a simple intervention can totally change the archetypal nature of an object and give it a paradoxical quality. Is there anything better than a simple, asymmetrical cut that fast forwarded this midi pleated skirt from grandma's closet to superedgy? Mini and maxi at the same time, but never dull again. Paradox no.2,
flatforms - flat, but high. Of course, if you put so many bold pieces together, you're at risk of being mistaken for someone headed for a local
Star Trek geek convention. This is where this necklace from
the past comes in (
to the rescue, of course, is there any other way? :) One off, to break the superhero costume-y feel, has saved the day.
statement necklace thanks to
NYC-licious // DIY neoprene neoprene sweater // DIY dip hem pleated skirt //
New Look sheer black shirt // hardware store rings //
H&M bag //
Vagabond flatforms
photo //
Ivana Korać